
The webfeet search indexes information about the English Ceilidh dance scene but there is a substantial overlap with more genteel English Folk dance, Contra, French/Breton, Cajun and other styles.

Searches are done in a plain and simple manner. The system returns you a list with the pages which include more of your search terms higher up in the list.


There's no sophisticated boolean logic, that is 'ands' and 'or's, available or ways of requiring a term to appear. Putting a '+' in front of a term will mean however that it will be taken more seriously and putting a '-' in front means that pages including this term are shown lower in the list.

A hit shows you the title of the page, the description Meta tag (if one was supplied) and the list of the section headings


Also check out

  • The list of keywords collected from the pages indexed, this will give a feel for the sort of information that a search request could find. (Note these keywords are a collection of what the pages say they contain. Keywords are a bit notorious for lying in this regard)
  • The History page showing the 20 or so most recent search requests.